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What is JavaScript?

What is JavaScript? JavaScript History

Usually the programmers use JavaScript to facilitate their work and make automation in several types of programming.
That's why JavaScript is so important for a programmer. Eits, no need to worry for those of you who are just starting out or want to become a JavaScript programmer. This time we will get acquainted with JavaScript, as well as its functions and examples. Read on mate!

What is JavaScript?

Did you know that JavaScript is a programming language used in website development to make it more dynamic and interactive. If previously you only knew HTML and CSS, now you know that JavaScript can increase the functionality of web pages. Even with this JavaScript you can create applications, tools, or even games on the web.
Technically speaking, JavaScript or JS for short is an interpreter type programming language, so you don't need a compiler to run it. JavaScript has features such as object-oriented, client-side, high-level programming, and loosely typed.

JavaScript History

JavaScript History

For those of you who are still new to it, you may be curious about how this programming language was originally created.

In 1994 JavaScript became known, at that time the web and the internet had begun to develop. JavaScript was designed by Brendan Eich who is an employee of Netscape. The transformation of the name of JavaScript, starting from Mocha, Mona, LiveScript, until finally officially named JavaScript.

The initial version of the JS language is only used by Netscape and its functionality is still limited. Long story short in 1996 JavaScript was officially named as ECMAScript. ECMAScript 2 was developed in 1998 followed by ECMAScript 3 a year later.

 ECMAScript continues to be developed until it finally becomes JavaScript or JS until now. In 2016, 92% of the web was known to have used JavaScript. That's why JavaScript or JS is constantly evolving.

Why should you use JavaScript?

JavaScript History

As a modern developer. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. Why? In 2016 alone, there were around 92% of web creations using JS, especially in recent years. Of course, a web created with JS will be more dynamic and interactive. Many top global companies are already implementing JS as their flagship programming language. We can also prove that JS is popular and is the most widely used language on Github.

JavaScript History

Like FB, Linkedin, Trello, Medium, and even Google, one of the languages used is JS (JavaScript). That's the reason why developers are competing to be the best at learning JavaScript.

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